Wednesday 19 September 2012

Rango - A better 'Pirates of the Caribbean 4'!

I've just watched the 'Rango', believe me it is awesome...
Before watching the film, the only thing I knew was that the voice of Rango is by my beloved actor, Johnney Depp. But while watching the movie I fell some kind of feeling that it's another 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. I would name it 'A better Pirates of the Caribbean 4'. And I was right!
Referring the IMDB I got that the whole movie, the special environments, the characters, the music, the story and ... and everything which reminds me of my favorite movie, is directed by Gore Verbinsky. Its great music by Hans Zimmer, Johnny Depp, Bill Nighy and ...
I really enjoyed the movie and seriously suggest you to watch it.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Metro thinking style - Sense and Simplicity

I remember once I fall in love with Philips's quote: "Sense and Simplicity"
At the time it was brilliant for me. It's not a prescription or a command to do. It's just a thinking style. It really affected me in various aspects. My software engineering methods, software architecture ideas and even my personal life.
And now this shiny idea from Microsoft, "Metro Style". At the first glance, for a non technical person It's like a technology backward. Everything is getting simple. Maybe 'Metro Style' can be translated to 'Simplicity Everywhere Style'.
Truly, I believe that Doing complex things with simple parts is better than doing simple things with complex parts.
In fact 'Tile' concept in the metro style is a simple concept which empowers you to create complex user interfaces for multiple platforms as simple as possible.
The fact that really inspired me is how Microsoft spread this idea everywhere, even in their 25 years old logo.

Friday 24 June 2011

I remember the first video game I've played: 'Dave'.
Since then there was lots of games created but some of them was more influence on the trend.
I think these games had lots of influence on the games improvement trend:

  1. Age of Empires: since it was such a well designed strategic game which is still popular among its fans specially the programmers.
  2. Max Payne: since it used a really different graphical engine which was provided by 'Slow motion' technology. It's feature affects lots of games after that.
  3. Prince of Persia: since it was designed in such a way that you could do lots of actions just with 2 or 3 keys. Instead of having lots of keys for each action there was 2 or 3 keys and the many of actions was doable by combinations of these keys.
In the recent years I've not played any new video game since I have not such time while involving with my work. But currently I've seen a new generation of games which was really interesting for me. These kinds of games is available for touch mobiles. One of them is 'Air Traffic' which is really shocking for me. In these games despite of the other games, there is no action. You should specify the paths and drawing them on the touch screen. This is a new thinking style I think.
Instead of having some actions and doing them so fast you suppose to draw smart arcs on the screen

Sunday 22 May 2011

Why blogging?

Well, currently I feel need for writing about my software engineering experiences.